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Art journaling Interview with @dustyrose_journal

January 21, 2024
One of my favourite creative journalers on Instagram is Alice of @dustyrose_journal. I asked her a few questions about her journaling practice and you can find her answers below. This is the first post of an interview series with various designers and creative journalers. I hope you'll enjoy it!
Art journaling Interview with @dustyrose_journal
Photo (c) @dustyrose_journal
1. When and how did you begin (art) journaling?

I started journaling in the summer of 2021. I was planning to start a bullet journal and found some Facebook groups. In one of the groups, I saw some gorgeous pages with lots of
stamps, washi, papers, and layerings and became curious to try this too.

2. Do you have many journals simultaneously in progress? Please tell me a bit about a couple of them, if you do.

photo (c) @dustyrose_journal
Ooh, yeah, unfortunately, yes.

I started with a Traveler's Notebook, and still love to use this now and then. 

Last Summer I fell in love with the Midori 1day1page diary and started to use this notebook regularly. Sometimes I create one page per day, on another day I complete four pages and there are also days where I don't feel like journaling. So I don't take it too seriously.  I also started a gratitude journal in my Hobonichi Weeks, where I try to write down three good things that happen each day.

I was also able to grab a Midori Hibino for this
year. This little book is where all my thoughts
go, both good and bad, all my worries but also moments I really enjoyed.

And last but not least I started a Hobonichi HON, where I write down all my weekly and daily to-do's, different trackers, and my reading list.

3. What does creative (art) journaling mean to you?

For me, it's a balance to my sometimes very stressful everyday life. I'm a mother of two autistic and non-speaking children. Sometimes our days can be very exhausting. Then at
the end of the day, I just like to turn off my head, turn on my favorite Spotify playlist, and let
go of everything. Those are moments when I just stop worrying and start to enjoy my little
peaceful retreat with some cute stamps, beautifully textured papers, and washi tapes. In the past years, I have learned that I really need those moments to feel balanced and healthy.
photo (c) @dustyrose_journal
4. Who/ what inspires your work?

Most of my inspiration I get from other creators on Instagram. There are so many talented journalers out there.

5. What are your favorite tools and materials to use?

Oh, that's a hard one. I think I'm a sucker for everything. But I'm definitely a paper lover. Different textures, colours, patterns - I love
them all. You can do so much with some
different kinds of paper only. But I also like creating pages with rubber stamps, washi tapes, fountain pens, and ink.

6. If you could give 3 tips to someone just starting with creative journaling, what would these be?

  • Never compare yourself and your creations with others. Trust the process and just enjoy what you are doing. If you're on Instagram: don't worry so much about likes or followers.
    The Instagram algorithm is a horrible and very unkind thing. The people who enjoy your
    spreads will always support you and I think that matters more than going viral with something.
  • Maybe start with a journaling package. That's what I did. I bought a vintage journaling set on Etsy years ago from a local seller with lots of lovely papers and stickers at a
    reasonable price and learned what I like and what not. It can be difficult to resist the
    temptation of buying all the amazing journaling supplies out there. I have struggled with FOMO (fear of missing out) and made some impulsive purchases that I later regretted.
  • Support and respect the artists! Numerous talented artists create beautiful designs, handmade rubber stamps, papers, and washi tapes. However, there are also many copycats in the industry. Often, large companies steal the designs of independent designers and produce cheap imitations. It is a terrible practice, and the quality of such imitations is usually poor. Therefore, it's always better to support the artists by paying a little extra and getting the fantastic quality of their stamps and washi tapes rather than buying cheaper alternatives.
Thank you for reading! I hope it inspired you to make your next journal entry :) If you're curious to find out more about art journaling, see here for another blog post.

Have a look at our selection of notebooks, journals, washi tapes and stickers here.

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Until next time,

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